When a company provides staff with group insurance as an additional benefit, it is advisable to have the staff sign a new agreement stating that they agree to allow the company to use compensation from the staff group insurance to supplement the company’s medical support fund.
This will help cover any extra medical costs for company and staff who experience serious accidents.
One of the most troubling aspects of human behavior I have witnessed is when the Chinese head chef, Rodik, at the pizza shop I invested in before, failed to report a work-related injury after a kitchen staff member cut their finger with a knife. Instead, he convinced the employee to resign by accusing them of flirting with a girl after work and citing it as a moral issue.
Now I understand that when someone uses morality to criticize others, they generally have their own selfish motives. The real lack of morality lies in the person who uses morality as an excuse.
At that time, my limited understanding did not help him at all, and I hope to remind everyone through my sharing.