BFC Adoption Wechat App (bilingual mini program) is relaunched, trying to become the easiest way for you to find a pet to adopt anywhere in China.
There will be more sections and functions in the mini APP. The final version is expected to be available in October.
We strongly believe, everyone can lend a hand and rescue an animal in need, everyone can find an animal to adopt easily.
We have a vision, if everyone can use our platform to upload their animals for adoption, it will make adoption very convenient for anyone to adopt an animal near to his/her location.
In this Wechat mini App, rescuers can add their rescues to a Nationwide database, you can be responsible for your own rescues and change the photos as often as you like, the more actions such as update/share/like, your animal will appear in the front, and will be seen by potential adopters more easily.
Please help to share and bring friends here to choose adoption!
Coool, useful.
good job