Mathild de “Léon”

Chapter 11

Life is not always as easy as we hope. I may have had high expectations to my contribution for company, when our conflicts arise between people, it can be difficult to return to normal unless you meet some truly amazing individuals.

All partners have been asking me if I have found a local solution or if the relationship can work out for the chef`s overstay situation. I believed that Mathild told them about my succeed concepts before and I assured them that I do, but I need confidentiality from all partners, especially partner SB, as there is a lack of trust between us after the decoration incident.

However, partner SB immediately refused to write an email promising confidentiality about my local friend helping the chef for free in front of everyone.I asked him about what`s his concerns.he refused to answer. Oh dear! How unfortunate it is to work with this partner. Poor chef indeed.Then all of them were yelling to each other.I can feel that most of us were ready to do confidentiality email for our chef. You never know who is stupid in the end until lawyer involves.

Mathild told me the other day that our chef showed up at the panhouse with the HK tailor. My goodness, I feel so stupid for failing to save our chef. I’ve never had a failure like this before. I was able to save a Spanish person who had smoke issues and a Cuban girl from her crazy local husband, so how did this happen?The more I try to prove myself, the worse it gets. I have fallen into the trap of self-confirmation.

Mathild could sense my unease at that moment. As I started to cry on the other end of the phone, I realized that I could make it up to our chef somehow for the miscommunication with our operation partner SB. At the same time, our chef’s girlfriend, who was from Taiwan, spoke to me. I felt really upset with myself.She was nice to still invite me for dinner in their family shop in the future.

During the Chinese New Year holiday, I almost didn’t go out alone. My family was worried about me and the HK tailor wanted to meet up for coffee. So we met at a café brunt and entry in Xintiandi. The tailor asked me some questions and seemed a bit pushy. I mentioned that it wasn’t fair for him to ask for shares so soon after his partner passed away, and also expressed concerns about potential commission during construction between SB and the French designer.Now they are stealing our chef and shop manager for their new shop after breaking our investment contract without any dividend for partners.

However, he didn’t seem to care much about what I said and instead talked about his new plan of staff training for his new shop in Hangzhou at our shop. It was surprising when he suggested that our shop should share the cost of training his staff. After discussing it further, we agreed on splitting the cost fairly and parted ways with a handshake - which seemed to surprise him!Usually you won`t like to hug the people you donnot like.It means more issues between us maybe.

The partners called an urgent meeting to discuss the issue of the chef’s overstay on the last day of CNY holidays. The partner SB, HK tailor, and chef were all present, with SB leading the conversation. I was surprised by this as Mathild was traveling in France. I didn’t understand why they asked me to join them like a judge after partner SB refused a confidential clause for our chef.

Partner SB asked for my opinion on whether it was the fault of part-time finance manager Jimi. I was shocked and turned to the chef for his input. The chef believed it was the fault of SB’s visa agent. When partner SB insisted that it was also our part time finance Jimi’s fault along with the HK tailor, they asked the chef to leave and continued pressuring me to agree that it was Jimi’s fault. It made me doubt if they were using this opportunity to replace finance person Jimi. Since part time finance Jimi was honest on datas. So what do they want? What a dramatic situation!

Partner SB then took the lead in our second conversation about the new plan for shares, which had been confirmed between Mathild, David’s wife, and myself. Partner SB expressed his agreement with the new plan and turned to the hk tailor, who initially disagreed. It was an interesting dynamic of good cop and bad cop. I directly asked SB if they had already planned everything before meeting me, which surprised him with my quick reaction. He responded “No” while rolling his eyes.So they used Mathild or they all together to push a new share plan.Then when they heard "Yes“.They want more.That time we didn`t get one RMB back from this investment.

A good actor can be a leader like partner SB.I started to understand him more. Now when I look back at this situation. There is no good or bad people. You can do your own decision to work with the people you like.

We did have a good end about whose fault of overstay without any results. When I said goodbye to them. I realize that I have to active my legal actions since they start to replace finance person.

Image if you lost on real finance datas.What kind of investment it will be!